Zharnel Hughes hits back at rival Noah Lyles over Netflix putdown

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Zharnel Hughes believes he can ­emulate Linford Christie by winning 100m gold for Britain at the ­Olympic Games next month. But first he has a score to settle with the brash US world 100m and 200m champion Noah Lyles, who he says “raised all the red in me” with a withering putdown that went viral after the launch of Netflix’s new track and field series, Sprint.

In the clip from last summer, Lyles is asked by a journalist what it would take to win the 200m at the London Diamond League. “Whatever I run,” he replies. When Hughes says he wants to show that he is “ready as well”, his American rival tells him: “If you don’t have main character energy, track and field isn’t for you.”

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Written by Sean Ingle
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/article/2024/jul/17/zharnel-hughes-hits-back-at-rival-noah-lyles-over-netflix-putdown under the title “Zharnel Hughes hits back at rival Noah Lyles over Netflix putdown”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.