Women’s London marathon will be ‘tougher race to win than Olympics’

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  • Field is fastest ever, says race director Brasher
  • Men’s race features greatest distance runner Bekele

There are so many history-makers and record breakers in Sunday’sLondon marathon that the race director, Hugh Brasher, reckons the women’s race will be even harder to win than the Olympics.

Hyperbole? Perhaps, given that the Paris route is brutally hilly and will be staged in the raging heat of summer. But Brasher also has a point, given the extraordinary quality that will be on display.

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Written by Sean Ingle
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2024/apr/20/womens-london-marathon-will-be-tougher-race-to-win-than-olympics under the title “Women’s London marathon will be ‘tougher race to win than Olympics’”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.