Women’s cricket to undergo domestic shake-up with teams owned by counties

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  • New model for 2025 season will feature eight ‘Tier 1’ sides
  • ECB inviting bids from first-class counties to run a team

Women’s domestic cricket is to undergo a huge shake-up under new plans from the England and Wales Cricket Board in which ownership of teams would be transferred back to the first-class counties.

Currently there are eight indepen­dent regional teams, owned and funded centrally by the ECB. Under the new model – which will come in for the 2025 season – the counties will take direct responsibility for over­seeing and growing women’s teams.

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Written by Raf Nicholson
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2024/feb/01/womens-cricket-ecb-counties-the-hundred under the title “Women’s cricket to undergo domestic shake-up with teams owned by counties”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.