‘We did it on our own’: Wagner hails Huddersfield heroes after Chelsea draw

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• Laurent Depoitre’s goal ensures Premier League status next season
• ‘This is an absolute over-achievement, bigger than promotion’

David Wagner claimed Huddersfield’s retention of Premier League status was a more remarkable achievement than last year’s promotion after his players secured the point they needed at Chelsea to extend their stay into a second season.

The draw, secured courtesy of Laurent Depoitre’s opening goal and some staggering defending throughout a one-sided contest, effectively condemned Swansea City to the Championship while leaving Chelsea’s own hopes of securing Champions League qualification hanging by a thread. Wagner almost lost his tracksuit trousers as his players gave him the bumps in front of the delighted away fans, and then gave his squad 48 hours to celebrate their eye-catching success.

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Written by Dominic Fifield at Stamford Bridge
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/football/2018/may/09/huddersfield-wagner-we-did-it-on-our-own-chelsea-draw under the title “‘We did it on our own’: Wagner hails Huddersfield heroes after Chelsea draw”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.