Vikings repay support with interest and give Widnesians reason to hope | Aaron Bower

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Two days after they were saved from administration, Widnes gave their biggest crowd for years something to cheer about with a dominant victory over Featherstone

Sport can do strange things to many people. It can divide us, it can unite us, and it can reduce us to tears – but perhaps most importantly of all, sport can bring communities and towns together like nothing else. How that has been evident over the past seven days in Widnes.

Dwarfed in size by Manchester and Liverpool – and in rugby league terms by the likes of St Helens and Wigan – round these parts sport is not so much a hobby as a way of life. So when the town’s elite sporting side, Widnes Vikings – champions of the world as recently as 1989 – were placed in administration last week amid a real threat of liquidation, a response from the community was to be expected.

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Written by Aaron Bower at Halton Stadium
This news first appeared on under the title “Vikings repay support with interest and give Widnesians reason to hope | Aaron Bower”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.