UK Sport’s report suggests penny is dropping that kindness costs little | Sean Ingle

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The health check was a long time in coming but a trend towards a softer approach to coaching, as seen in hockey, bodes promisingly for sport’s wellbeing

“The truth will be uncovered,” promised Dame Katherine Grainger as she revealed UK Sport’s first culture health check. “Whether it is good, bad, or ugly.”

The good? The report found that 90% of British athletes are proud to be on the world class programme. The bad? Thirty-one per cent of athletes have witnessed or experienced unacceptable behaviour. And the ugly? Eighteen per cent of athletes feel there are no consequences when people behave inappropriately. The sincerity of Grainger, who took over as chair of UK Sport last year, was obvious and her pledge to lance any lingering pus in the system welcome. But one question hung uneasily in the air: why had it taken so long to confront the ghost in the machine?

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Written by Sean Ingle
This news first appeared on under the title “UK Sport’s report suggests penny is dropping that kindness costs little | Sean Ingle”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.