Tyson Fury wins farcical fight after Sefer Seferi quits on his stool

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• Outclassed Albanian four and a half stone lighter than Fury
• Boos ring out after Seferi does not come out for fifth round

Tyson Fury’s quest to regain his heavyweight title began with a kiss to the crowd, a brawl at ringside, and more showboating than fighting until he finally decided to step on the gas and stop his outgunned opponent Sefer Seferi at the end of the fourth round.

Before then Fury had poked his tongue out at his opponent, performed a 360-degree spin in the ring and, as a brawl broke out close to ringside, seemed more interested in that than the punches his opponent was throwing at him.

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Written by Sean Ingle at the Manchester Arena
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2018/jun/09/tyson-fury-wins-sefer-seferi-quits-on-stool under the title “Tyson Fury wins farcical fight after Sefer Seferi quits on his stool”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.