The NFL’s virtual draft was dry, boring and everything we needed right now

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As a TV event, the NFL’s lockdown draft felt slapdash, a little weird and less eventful than those in recent years. It was also the first time in over a month things felt slightly back to normal

The first round of the NFL draft should have been a series of fireworks, owing as much to do with the wonky set-up the league found itself in. The mock run-through had been a veritable disaster – a spouse pulling a plug on a GMs computer, the technology chopping in and out, general managers struggling to fly solo in trying to figure out the technology and trade situations.

Chuck a bunch of high-wattage, ready-to-go, star players, from high-profile schools at the most important positions in the game, and we should have been in for a broadcast that was equal parts exhilarating and weird.

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Written by Oliver Connolly
This news first appeared on under the title “

The NFL’s virtual draft was dry, boring and everything we needed right now

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