The NCAA must end their silence on sexual violence in college sports

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As conferences take steps to combat sexual violence in college sports, the NCAA’s silence is an effective abdication of their responsibility to protect women on campus

College sports’ Big Sky Conference made an important announcement this month: they plan to adopt a Serious Misconduct Rule for all of their member and affiliate institutions. The rule would target individuals who have been convicted of violent crimes, preventing them from receiving athletic-related financial aid or participating in practice or competition.

Andrea Williams, the Big Sky commissioner, said the decision “aligns with the Big Sky’s mission to provide a quality collegiate experience for our student-athletes while focusing on their safety”. It is a big step, and one that is long overdue by all conferences.

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Written by Anya Alvarez
This news first appeared on under the title “The NCAA must end their silence on sexual violence in college sports”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.