The Breakdown | Owen Farrell sets tone but an England captain also needs a clear head

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His red card for a high challenge was inevitable after crackdown and again exposed a flaw in No 10 when frustrations boil over

It seems like another generation, but it is not quite a year since the World Cup in Japan kicked off. Owen Farrell’s red card last Saturday for a dangerous tackle during Saracens’ home defeat to Wasps that left Charlie Atkinson dazed and unable to carry on was the only option for the referee because of the crackdown on high challenges during the tournament.

The World Cup was a round old when the organisers issued a statement expressing disappointment at the leniency shown by match officials to the perpetrators of high tackles. A rash of red cards followed, two for wild challenges on Farrell, and the zero-tolerance approach eventually had its intended effect.

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Written by Paul Rees
This news first appeared on under the title “The Breakdown | Owen Farrell sets tone but an England captain also needs a clear head”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.