The Breakdown | Bold England are contenders for World Cup but don’t write off Ireland

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Eddie Jones’s positive selection and tactics in Dublin showed his side have hunger and desire, while Joe Schmidt’s team have overcome adversity before

Eddie Jones has been around long enough to appreciate that destiny lies at the end of a road blighted with potholes and misleading signposts. After his greatest triumph on Saturday he was gracious in victory, 11 months after he had been booed by some home supporters at Twickenham after Ireland had secured the Grand Slam there.

“They are a top team,” he said of Ireland, the world’s form country in 2018 who had been systematically taken apart by England. And they are. Just as England found last year after two years of barely uninterrupted success under Jones, nothing feeds the appetite of an ambitious team like a setback.

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Written by Paul Rees
This news first appeared on under the title “The Breakdown | Bold England are contenders for World Cup but don’t write off Ireland”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.