Sussex spell has nothing to do with preparing for Ashes, claims Steve Smith

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Steve Smith has sought to douse the gently smouldering embers of controversy surrounding his use of the County Championship to prepare himself for facing England in this summer’s Ashes, insisting that his next few weeks at Sussex will make no difference whatsoever to his chances of success once the series gets under way in June.

“I don’t think that’s the case at all,” he said of the possibility England would come to regret letting him into their domestic game. “I’ve seen a lot of talk about getting used to conditions but you’ve got to remember I’ve played a lot of cricket in England before, so the conditions aren’t really new to me. I’m just keen to play some cricket.”

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Written by Simon Burnton
This news first appeared on under the title “Sussex spell has nothing to do with preparing for Ashes, claims Steve Smith”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.