Simone Biles dazzles star-studded audience by passing her toughest test

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In reclaiming her all-around crown, the US gymnast overcame her fiercest rival and sealed her undisputed greatness

It had just turned 20 minutes past eight when Simone Biles stepped out on to the floor for her final routine. The centre of the arena was quiet and still, every other apparatus vacant. She had the place to herself and the undivided ­attention of every single person there.

Zinedine Zidane was watching, so was Steph Curry, Tony Hawk and Nadia Comaneci, four of the finest athletes of the past hundred years, all come along to see another of them. Like Comaneci said in a live interview on the big screen at the beginning of the session: “Everyone’s here to see the amazing Simone Biles.” She waited a beat then added: “And 23 other gymnasts.”

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Written by Andy Bull at Bercy Arena
This news first appeared on under the title “Simone Biles dazzles star-studded audience by passing her toughest test”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.