Sam Kerr the best in the world? Tell us something we don’t know | Samantha Lewis

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Judged this week by the Guardian as the best female footballer on the planet, Matildas captain Sam Kerr now has her chance to prove it on the European club stage

Across all the years I’ve watched Sam Kerr play football, there’s one moment that stands out as a true illustration of her character, as an example of why she’s been voted The Guardian’s Best Female Footballer of 2019.

It’s not a goal, or a back-flip celebration, or a gesture of kindness towards a fan. It’s a moment of failure. One of the biggest in her career, perhaps, and one that feels more significant in hindsight.

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Written by Samantha Lewis
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Sam Kerr the best in the world? Tell us something we don’t know | Samantha Lewis

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