Ryder Cup 2018: Europe v USA, day two – live!

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What a see-saw opening day! Lest ye forget, this happened in the morning fourballs:

Rose/Rahm lost to Koepka/Finau 1UP
McIlroy/Olesen lost to Johnson/Fowler 4&2
Casey/Hatton lost to Spieth/Thomas 1UP
Fleetwood/Molinari beat Reed/Woods 3&1

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Written by Scott Murray
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/live/2018/sep/29/ryder-cup-2018-europe-v-usa-day-two-live-golf-foursomes-fourballs under the title “Ryder Cup 2018: Europe v USA, day two – live!”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.