Rugby X is neither league nor union, but it might just catch on

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The new five-a-side rugby format captured a new audience when it debuted at the O2 Arena in London

By Gavin Willacy for No Helmets Required

It wasn’t rugby union and it wasn’t rugby league. It was indoors, it was five-a-side, it was strange and it was different. But RugbyX, which made its debut in London last week, was definitely rugby. Whether it’s here to stay or not remains to be seen.

It had plenty of merits. More than 16,000 spectators turned up to the O2 Arena over afternoon and evening sessions on Tuesday and most of them seemed to enjoy themselves. They may not have seen the future of rugby but they did see tremendously talented players from around the world showing off some outlandish skills, all presented in the most modern way: with a booming soundtrack, darkness, spotlights, fire-shooters, the whole works.

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Written by Gavin Willacy
This news first appeared on under the title “Rugby X is neither league nor union, but it might just catch on”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.