Ronaldo’s return to Old Trafford a reminder of how life used to be | Barney Ronay

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The Juventus forward is back on Tuesday for the first time since Alex Ferguson was still Manchester United manager

At some point on Tuesday night the home fans at Old Trafford will probably sing a round of Viva Ronaldo. From distant metro platforms to wind-raked terraces, it has been a Manchester United standard of the past decade, an Elvis riff on those six years when Cristiano Ronaldo transformed himself from dazzling gadfly to the best footballer in the world.

With Ronaldo back in Manchester Viva Ronaldo feels particularly apt, a song about a moment in time and a player that have both decisively passed. Juventus against Manchester United in Group H of the Champions League hardly needs the added soap opera of a personal homecoming. But the fact that it is Ronaldo’s first return of the post‑Ferguson years sees him a much-changed figure, in more ways than one.

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Written by Barney Ronay
This news first appeared on under the title “Ronaldo’s return to Old Trafford a reminder of how life used to be | Barney Ronay”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.