Richard Scudamore: the ‘devil you know’ quits while he’s still ahead | David Conn

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Though he helped Premier League clubs generate billions, the EFL may have cause to rue the executive chairman’s departure

After two decades carving out total dominance for the Premier League, Richard Scudamore was able to announce his surprise resignation at a high point of his own choosing – a happy position not enjoyed by some who challenged that supremacy over the years. The arc of his stellar career serving the 20 clubs which form the Premier League in any given season is pockmarked with the early departures of other talented chief executives, particularly at the Football Association, whose authority he was repeatedly determined to resist.

As a chief executive entrusted by the top clubs with great authority, his record is a reflection of the Premier League’s development itself: its glittering achievements and for many, glaring frustrations. The official farewell thanks to Scudamore from his friend Bruce Buck, Roman Abramovich’s Chelsea chairman, and chairman of the league’s remuneration committee which fixed Scudamore’s salary package at £2.56m last year, noted his most obvious achievement: the Premier League’s “outstanding growth”.

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Written by David Conn
This news first appeared on under the title “Richard Scudamore: the ‘devil you know’ quits while he’s still ahead | David Conn”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.