‘Raw’ England captain Heather Knight rues ‘disappointing’ World T20 final

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‘We’ve got to get back home and reflect on where we go,’ says skipper after eight-wicket hammering

Reflecting on England’s eight-wicket loss to Australia in the final of the World Twenty20 final, captain Heather Knight said her side were disappointed with their poor showing after such a convincing win in the semi-final.

“It’s disappointing to lose after putting all the preparation in,” she said. “The girls have fought so hard all tournament. We probably didn’t play our best cricket tonight.”

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Written by Raf Nicholson in Antigua
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2018/nov/25/raw-england-captain-heather-knight-rues-disappointing-world-t20-final under the title “

‘Raw’ England captain Heather Knight rues ‘disappointing’ World T20 final

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