Rafael Nadal v Dominic Thiem: French Open 2018 men’s final – live!

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It’s not long before Nadal has two set points. He bounces the ball. He misses a first serve. The second’s in and he just has to wait for Thiem to loop a backhand wide.

Second set: Nadal 6-4, 5-3 Thiem* (*denotes server): Thiem holds to 30. Nadal will serve for the set.

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Written by Jacob Steinberg
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/live/2018/jun/10/rafael-nadal-v-dominic-thiem-french-open-2018-mens-final-live under the title “

Rafael Nadal v Dominic Thiem: French Open 2018 men’s final – live!

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