Premiership elite players to be limited to 30 games a season

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• Controversial limit of 32 to be reduced from 2019-20
• Enforcement will need effective handling of England players

The controversial 32-game limit for a Premiership player in a season is to change, the Observer understands. From 2019-20 elite players will be limited to 30 lots of 80 minutes or 35 involvements in a matchday squad, whichever comes sooner.

Previously the limit applied only to members of England’s elite player squad but now it is being written into the standard Premiership contract, although it is almost impossible for a domestic player to pass the threshold.

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Written by Michael Aylwin
This news first appeared on under the title “Premiership elite players to be limited to 30 games a season”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.