Premier League team news, previews and Liverpool v Chelsea buildup – live!

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Southampton have released the following statement:

Following recent talks with shareholders Mr Gao and Katharina Liebherr, it was agreed by all parties that Ralph’s contract would not be extended beyond its end date of June 30th.

The shareholders and everyone involved with the club would like to put on record their thanks for Ralph’s leadership, dedication and hard work over his six years with Southampton.

Related: Ralph Krueger: I’ve 52 stitches in my face. Believe me, I can be ruthless

Rumours are in!

Related: Football transfer rumours: Arsenal to make late bid for Ander Herrera?

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Written by Michael Butler
This news first appeared on under the title “Premier League team news, previews and Liverpool v Chelsea buildup – live!”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.