Owen Farrell’s rescinded red card sets worrying precedent for the game | Robert Kitson

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England will be delighted at their captain’s reprieve but in the long term it could have serious repercussions for player welfare

Not since that jaw‑dropping moment last year when a court was told that Rebekah Vardy’s agent had lost her mobile phone in the North Sea has there been a more prolonged social media guffaw. “Owen Farrell has escaped a ban of any kind? Hahahahaha. No, honestly, stop messing about. What did he really get? You must be JOKING! That’s ridiculous.”

A similar conversation will have been unfolding on refereeing WhatsApp groups the world over and, almost certainly, within World Rugby’s corridors of supposed influence. Minus the laughing-face emojis. Because, theoretically, rugby union is a sport doing everything it can to portray itself as safe and responsible. Except that, in reality, its entire disciplinary system now looks totally unfit for purpose.

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Written by Robert Kitson
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2023/aug/15/owen-farrells-rescinded-red-card-sets-worrying-precedent-for-the-game under the title “Owen Farrell’s rescinded red card sets worrying precedent for the game | Robert Kitson”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.