‘One-man anti-abortion army’: shadow of US global gag rule looms over Nepal’s family planning services

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Since the country legalised abortion, maternal mortality rates have plummeted. But US-funded programmes and a Trump victory could reverse that progress, warn experts

“One, two, three,” says Soman Rai slowly, to the click of his fingers. “Every three seconds a baby dies by abortion. One, two, three,” he repeats. Behind him, the word “Abortion” is projected on to a screen in a red font that drips down the slide to resemble blood. Underneath is written: Abortion is world history’s greatest genocide.

It is an uncompromising message in an unlikely location; a church in a remote valley in Nepal.

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Written by Pete Pattisson in Beni
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2024/oct/21/anti-abortion-us-global-gag-rule-nepal-family-planning-services under the title “‘One-man anti-abortion army’: shadow of US global gag rule looms over Nepal’s family planning services”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.