‘Now we have eight’: Manchester City’s sister clubs spread the word across the world

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Brian Marwood oversees the clubs owned by City Football Group and explains how they learn to play Pep Guardiola’s way

Brian Marwood’s office, City football academy, 7 December 2019. It is 5am and the managing director of global football, a department of City Football Group, the owners of Manchester City, is squeezed around a widescreen TV with a number of his staff watching Yokohama F. Marinos kick off against FC Tokyo in Japan’s J-League title decider.

CFG has 2,000-plus employees who oversee more than 1,500 footballers who play 2,500 games a year for its eight clubs across Europe, North and South America, Asia and Australasia. Marwood is responsible for all of these apart from Manchester City, who are led by Txiki Begiristain, the sporting director.

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Written by Jamie Jackson
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/football/2020/jan/11/brian-marwood-pep-guardiola-manchester-city-football-group under the title “

‘Now we have eight’: Manchester City’s sister clubs spread the word across the world

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