Nicola Adams’s skill and sunny outlook lit up an often acrid boxing world | Kevin Mitchell

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The Yorkshire fighter forged her star quality with a combination of ruthlessness in the ring and kindness and optimism outside it

Interviewing Nicola Adams could be an unnerving experience. As her eyes sparkled, sweat dripping from a face seemingly too innocent for fighting, she would further illuminate the occasion with a smile that could light up a funeral on a winter’s day. It did not matter the result (although she never lost in 14 amateur and six professional contests), so searching for disappointment or joy led inquisitors down the same route. It was as if she had been sent to destroy all notions of what a fighter should be.

Related: Nicola Adams’ glittering boxing career – in pictures

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Written by Kevin Mitchell
This news first appeared on under the title “Nicola Adams’s skill and sunny outlook lit up an often acrid boxing world | Kevin Mitchell”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.