Newcastle expect green light for Saudi takeover despite Amnesty misgivings

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  • PIF undergoing owners’ and directors’ test
  • Amnesty voices concerns as Ashley era nears its end

The consortium close to completing a takeover at Newcastle does not expect the Premier League’s owners’ and directors’ test to pose any problems but Amnesty International has raised concerns about Saudi Arabia’s involvement.

The Public Investment Fund of Saudi Arabia has joined forces with the Yorkshire-born financier Amanda Staveley and the UK-based Reuben Brothers to reach a £310m agreement with Mike Ashley to end his 13-year ownership of Newcastle. The group is undergoing mandatory Premier League background checks that should be completed within the month.

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Written by Louise Taylor
This news first appeared on under the title “Newcastle expect green light for Saudi takeover despite Amnesty misgivings”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.