Never write him off: how Max Verstappen overcame ‘undriveable monster’ to win fourth world title

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At times the world champion ground it out on will alone but an unforgettable drive in Brazil turned things back his way

Max Verstappen was clear all season he wanted to win the Formula One world title with a dominant car, just as he had the previous two years. Much as he might have enjoyed more of a canter, the fight for his fourth title, secured in Las Vegas, was not only far greater sport but also showed how complete a driver he has matured into.

Beating him in future is going to be a fearsome task, as his title rival Lando Norris acknowledged.

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Written by Giles Richards
This news first appeared on under the title “Never write him off: how Max Verstappen overcame ‘undriveable monster’ to win fourth world title”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.