Netflix’s Smart Downloads feature, which launched on Android last year, is coming to iOS. The feature, which can be toggled on and off from the Downloads section of the app, automatically deletes each downloaded episode as you watch them. When you’re connected to Wi-Fi, it will also download the next episode in the series.
Netflix says that the feature is meant to save you the time and effort of going through your old files and manually clearing them out, and to allow you to start watching the next episode faster. It’s a useful way of reducing the amount of storage space that Netflix uses, and you can toggle the feature off if you’re intending on watching an episode multiple times.
The streaming service first started letting users…
Written by Jon Porter
This news first appeared on under the title “Netflix’s iOS app can now automatically download your next episode, just like Android”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.