Nepal’s legendary footballer Mani Bikram Shah passes away

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Photo: Kamal Thapa’s twitter

KATHMANDU: Nepal’s legendary footballer Mani Bikram Shah has passed away while undergoing treatment at the Norvic International Hospital in Kathmandu on Monday. He was 51.

Official at the hospital said, “Shah died of liver failure around 5:42 pm this evening.”

Mani, who was brought to the hospital with chronic liver cirrhosis was admitted to the GICU (General Intensive Care Unit) in the hospital yesterday, died of liver failure due to liver cirrhosis, the official said.

Shah rose to fame with his dazzling performance in 1993 South Asian Games (SAG) in Bangladesh, where Nepal clinched gold medal after defeating arch rival India in the final.

At times, Shah was compared to Dieago Maradona of Argentina because of his unbelievable footballing skills and debuted for National team in the tender age of 17 years.

Mani Bikram Shah was born on 1967 in Kaldhara in Kathmandu.

The post Nepal’s legendary footballer Mani Bikram Shah passes away appeared first on The Himalayan Times.

Written by Mausam
This news first appeared on under the title “Nepal’s legendary footballer Mani Bikram Shah passes away”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.