My favourite game: Tom Watson tames Birkdale to win his fifth Open

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In 1983 Tom Watson had his sights on his fifth Open in nine years and his caddie popped by my local in Southport to prepare for a big weekend

When Tom Watson lifted the Claret Jug at Royal Birkdale it was his fifth Open title, the first he had won in England and, at the age of 33, the promise was of more to come. For his local caddie, Alfie Fyles, it was the sixth time he had been on the winner’s bag since he carried for Gary Player at Carnoustie in 1968, earning his first major payday in an irregular line of work.

Watson became known to the British golfing public in 1975 when, on his first Open appearance, he also won at Carnoustie with Fyles on his bag, having been hired only at the start of that week. It was the start of a remarkable liaison in Europe that was to last more than 10 years.

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Written by Mark Tallentire
This news first appeared on under the title “My favourite game: Tom Watson tames Birkdale to win his fifth Open”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.