Max Verstappen: ‘At the end of the day I know I will always be right’

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Red Bull driver has come in for heavy criticism from drivers and online this season but he says he refuses to change his style

Max Verstappen has condemned the criticism he has received after a difficult start to the season as resentment driven by hate and jealousy. The Red Bull driver has enjoyed a strong run as he heads into this weekend’s Austrian Grand Prix, however, and while his self-belief has remained steadfast, he does admit that dealing with his detractors and his travails on the track has ultimately proved to be a character-building experience.

The 20-year-old, now in his fourth season in Formula One, has been at the centre of attention after a run of incidents cost him dearly in the opening races. He has faced vocal condemnation of his driving style – which he was urged to change – and accusations that he was failing to learn from his mistakes. He has, however, scored three podiums in the past four races and insists he has changed nothing, ignoring the attacks on his abilities and character.

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Written by Giles Richards
This news first appeared on under the title “Max Verstappen: ‘At the end of the day I know I will always be right’”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.