Liverpool fight back to beat Leicester as hapless Wout Faes scores two own goals

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Liverpool ended a year they will remember with a night Wout Faes would love to forget. Leicester’s usually assured defender scored two ludicrous own goals that gifted Jürgen Klopp’s team a fortunate victory and maintained their momentum in pursuit of Champions League qualification.

Brendan Rodgers’ team led through Kiernan Dewsbury-Hall’s early strike and were rarely troubled by a subdued Liverpool display until Faes sliced two goals into his own net in seven first half minutes. Both were easily avoidable and are destined to feature in classic own goal clips for years to come. “3-0 to the Leicester boys,” chanted the away fans, with some justification. That was one of their better offerings on a night when they spewed out the pathetic ‘feed the scousers’ and ‘always the victim’ chants at Anfield yet again.

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Written by Andy Hunter at Anfield
This news first appeared on under the title “Liverpool fight back to beat Leicester as hapless Wout Faes scores two own goals”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.