LIV Series offers no sign of revolution against backdrop of golf’s civil war | Ewan Murray

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The Saudi-backed series began with an inaugural event that was quickly overshadowed by the PGA Tour’s reaction

Balls in the air, missives in the post. Thirty minutes of the inaugural LIV Golf event had been played when a bulletin from Ponte Vedra overshadowed anything that was about to happen at the Centurion Club. Greg Norman stands with the banned of the PGA Tour.

The Australian had been all smiles on the 1st tee as Dustin Johnson, Scott Vincent and Phil Mickelson appeared as the marquee group. Speaking before making his way on to the course, Norman admitted his desire to take on golf’s ecosystem had been something of a crusade. His action was guaranteed to prompt a PGA Tour reaction. It duly did.

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Written by Ewan Murray at Centurion Club
This news first appeared on under the title “LIV Series offers no sign of revolution against backdrop of golf’s civil war | Ewan Murray”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.