Lewis Hamilton already an all-time great and probably the last of a long line | Richard Williams

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Rookie from Stevenage has won a grand prix in every one of his 13 seasons and matured into an F1 champion of substance

Lewis Hamilton is no longer the bright-eyed, fresh-faced prodigy who burst into Formula One at the age of 22. Approaching the middle of his fourth decade, he is a more guarded, reflective man who makes sure every scrap of experience built up over almost 250 grands prix is exploited as, having seen off his contemporaries, he holds a new generation of wonderkids at bay.

At the moment, Max Verstappen, Charles Leclerc, Alex Albon and Lando Norris can only stand back and admire the achievements of a driver, once a prodigy like them, who has propelled himself to a position alongside the most revered figures in his sport’s long history.

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Written by Richard Williams
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/blog/2019/nov/04/lewis-hamilton-all-time-great-long-line-f1-champion-six-times under the title “Lewis Hamilton already an all-time great and probably the last of a long line | Richard Williams”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.