José Mourinho complains he is being blamed for ‘the rain and Brexit’

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• Manchester United manager says he is the victim of a manhunt
• ‘Some of my players are not coping so well,’ he adds

José Mourinho took paranoia to a new level in the aftermath of Manchester United’s dramatic 3-2 win over Newcastle, complaining the last few days have felt like a manhunt and that “wickedness” is now spoiling a game that is supposed to be beautiful.

“A lot of things have been directed at me personally,” he said. “There is too much talking. I have begun to feel that if it rains in London tomorrow it is my fault. If people don’t like Brexit it is my fault. I have been blamed for extending my contract until 2020 but I didn’t point a pistol at the club, they wanted to give it to me. I am 55 years old now and I can live with it but some of my boys are not coping quite so well.

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Written by Paul Wilson at Old Trafford
This news first appeared on under the title “José Mourinho complains he is being blamed for ‘the rain and Brexit’”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.