Italy find something extra from Matteo Pessina to see off Austria

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Federico Chiesa walked out on to the Wembley pitch with six minutes of normal time remaining and this tight, fretful last-16 tie still goalless. The story of the game to that point had been a finely wrought defensive performance from Austria, who showed great resolve against a team most expected to simply blow them away.

The final whistle came as a relief to Italy’s players, who fell into an angsty-looking huddle around their manager. Roberto Mancini’s message was clear even from the sidelines. Take a breath, reset the throttle. And Italy did find another gear.

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Written by Barney Ronay at Wembley
This news first appeared on under the title “Italy find something extra from Matteo Pessina to see off Austria”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.