Inflatables and influencers: Make Cricket Cool Again or make it free? | Emma John

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The Cricket World Cup does not need McFly and Love Island to be cool. It is just lost behind Sky’s paywall

Admiral Jellicoe probably wouldn’t have been a big advocate for one-day cricket. In the first world war, the commander of the British fleet gained a reputation for a strictly defensive style of play, the kind of dead-batting that determined the Battle of Jutland was only ever going to end in a draw. Winston Churchill did, after all, describe him as “the one man on either side who could lose the war in an afternoon”. Jellicoe couldn’t afford a mid‑innings collapse.

Related: Questions facing England in West Indies 100 days out from World Cup | The Spin

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Written by Emma John
This news first appeared on under the title “Inflatables and influencers: Make Cricket Cool Again or make it free? | Emma John”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.