Who is the story behind Valentine’s Day? Who was St. Valentine? What is the real story, facts and history behind February 14?

It’s renowned for being the ‘most romantic day of the year’. And many of us use it as an opportunity to show affection for our loved ones with cards, flowers or chocolates. But why exactly do we celebrate Valentine’s Day and why does it fall on February 14? Well we’ve trawled through the history books to find out the real reasons so you don’t have to – and the background casts a very different light on the holiday.

How did Valentine’s Day begin?

Valentine’s Day is an old tradition thought to have originated from a Roman Festival known as Lupercalia, according to History.com. It was held on February 15 as a fertility festival dedicated to Faunus, the Roman god of agriculture. During the celebrations boys would draw names of girls from a box and the pair would be partners during the festival. These matches often led to marriage. The festival survived the initial rise of Christianity but was outlawed at the end of the 5th century when Pope Gelasius declared February 14 St Valentine’s Day. Chaucer may have actually made it all up haucer, as in The Canterbury Tales writer, may have actually been behind Valentine’s Day. The medieval English poet took quite a few liberties with history. He’d drop his poetic characters into real-life historical events leaving readers wondering if that’s what really happened. There is no actual record of Valentine’s Day before Chaucer’s poem in 1375. It’s in Parliament of Foules that he links the tradition of courtly love to the St Valentine’s feast day – the tradition didn’t exist until after his poem. The poem refers to February 14 as the day of birds coming together to find a mate. “For this was sent on Seynt Valentyne’s day / Whan every foul cometh ther to choose his mate,” he wrote and maybe invented Valentine’s Day as we now know it.

Who was St. Valentine?

The St Valentine that inspired the holiday may have been more than one man. The saint officially recognized by the Roman Catholic Church was a real person who died around AD 270. An account from 1400s describes Valentine as a priest who was beheaded by Emperor Claudius II for helping Christian couples wed. The emperor had banned marriage as he thought single men made better soldiers. Valentine felt this was unfair so he celebrated marriages in secret. When the emperor found out he was thrown in jail and sentenced to death. He may also have been Bishop of Terni, also martyred by Claudius II on the outskirts of Rome. There are similarities between the priest’s and bishop’s stories, which leads people to believe they are the same man. There’s so much confusion around St Valentine that the Church stopped veneration of him in 1969 – though he is still listed as an official saint. “Valentinus” is from the Latin word for worthy, strong or powerful, and was a popular name between the second and eighth centuries AD meaning there are several martyrs with the same name. There are actually a dozen Valentines listed and there’s even a Pope Valentine. The actual day we celebrate is known as St Valentine of Rome to set him apart.

What does he really have to do with love?

Valentine did help marry couples in secret, which is arguably very romantic. He is the patron saint of beekeepers and epilepsy among other things…Like the plague, fainting and travelling. That doesn’t stop people calling on his help for those romantically involved. He’s now also patron of engaged couples and happy marriages.

Why is his skull kept in Rome?

Yes, that’s right. St Valentine’s skull is housed and adorned in flowers in Rome. It’s actually on display in the Basilica of Santa Maria in Cosmedin. It was found when people were excavating a catacomb near Rome in the early 1800s. The skeletal remains and other relics now associated with St Valentine were dug up. It’s the norm for these to be split and distributed to reliquaries – places that keep relics – around the world. If you wanted to see other parts of the saint, he’s on display in the Czech Republic, Ireland, Scotland, England and France.

Why do we give Valentine’s cards?

Another idea is that when he was sent to prison, he sent a letter to a young girl he had fallen in love with and signed it “From your Valentine”.

Why is always celebrated on February 14?

Some believe that Valentine’s Day’s is celebrated mid-February to mark the anniversary of St Valentine’s death. It’s thought to have happened in the middle of the month around 270 AD. Others maintain that the Christian church decided to place St Valentine’s feast day at this time of the year in an effort to ‘Christianise’ the pagan festival of Lupercalia.

Why are roses associated with Valentine’s Day?

Roses have been the symbol of love since the early 1700s when Charles II of Sweden brought the Persian poetical art known as the “language of flowers” to Europe. Throughout the 18th century, ladies loved their floral dictionaries, which listed the symbolic meanings of different flowers, according to YourTango.com. The red rose was believed to be the flower favored by Venus, the Roman Goddess of Love, and has therefore come to represent that.

Why cupid?

Cupid is the god of desire, erotic love, affection and attraction. He is the son of Venus, goddess of love, and war god Mars. Cupid in Latin is ‘amor’, which means love.

When did Valentine’s Day become commercial?

It wasn’t until the 18th century that Valentine’s Day took off in England. Lovers began to send trinkets, cards and flowers to their loved ones. A huge amount of printed cards would get sold, then in 1913 Hallmark Cards in Kansas City began mass producing specific Valentine’s Day cards. Now about a billion cards are sold every year and it’s the second biggest card sending time of the whole year.

Why do we sign cards anonymously?

Apart from the embarrassment, there was an actual tradition started by the Victorians. They thought it was bad luck to sign the cards with their actual names. It was also the Victorians that sent roses as they were Venus’ favourite flower.

Valentine’s Day inspiration

Valentine’s Day has developed a reputation for consumers splashing out on fancy candy, lavish gifts and expensive holidays – but it’s not always the cash that counts.

Pashupati’s Mahashivaratri

Mahashivaratri, a much revered festivity of Hindus, especially the devotees of Lord Shiva was observed today. Devotees have thronged Pathupatinath Temple since early Tuesday morning to offer prayers to ‘Bholenath‘ (Lord Shiva) on the occasion of Mahashivaratri. Pashupatinath Temple is considered to be one of the major centres of pilgrimage for Hindus, especially Shaivaites. All four doors of the temple were opened at 3:15 am for the devotees to pay homage to Lord Shiva. Arrangements have been made for the devotees to enter the main temple from three doors (a door in the south of Pingalasthan, another one west of Jayabageshwori-Bhuvaneshwori, and the third from Mitrapark-Umakunda-Basuki). The devotees are supposed to exit from the same door they have entered, said a Pashupati Area Development Trust official. Approximately 1.3 million devotees are estimated to pay homage to Lord Pashupatinath at the festival this year, according to PADT.

Top 10 Valentine’s Gifts for Your Boyfriend

Everything about Valentine’s Day screams “girls!” from pink hearts to teddy bears and chocolates, but what about your boy? Want to show your boyfriend how much you care this Valentine’s Day but can’t figure out what the best (and most boy-friendly) Valentine’s Day gift is? Take a look at the top 10 Valentine’s gifts for your boyfriend!

No. 10: Card

If nothing else, a card says “I care” without going overboard on all the love-stuff. There are loads of designs to choose from, so just pick one that reminds you of your guy?

No. 9:  Mug

Mugs are a great way to say how you feel, and no one can deny they’re useful. Every time your boy has a cup of tea or hot chocolate they’ll think of you!

No. 8:  Team Jersey

You know what’s really romantic? Paying attention to what your boyfriend is interested in. So why not surprise him by getting a jersey from his fav sports team.

No. 7: Video Game

The best part about getting a video game for your guy is playing it together. Spend some quality time in front of the TV playing a new game!

No. 6:  Movie Tickets

Why not take your guy out to a movie you can both agree on this Valentine’s (although when you buy the tickets, you get to choose)!

No. 5: Books

If you’re dating a bookworm (or even someone who just loves a good read) a book is a great choice. We recommend Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card, a sci-fi novel where kids who play video games are trained by the army to help save the world.

No. 4: Music

Why not get your man some new music this Valentine’s Day. You’ll probably know exactly what he loves to listen to, but just in case you’re not sure there’s always an iTunes giftcard.

No. 3: Sweets

Sweets for your sweetheart are a time-honored tradition on Valentine’s Day, and if you want to make it extra-special you can make a cake, cookies or delicious cupcakes yourself.

No. 2: Cologne

Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to splurge and get your boyfriend something he might never get for himself (but that you both can appreciate) like a nice cologne. We recommend Aqua De Gio for Him!

No. 1: Dinner

“The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach”, or so the saying goes. Put the theory to the test and go out on the town or make something special he won’t forget!

Have Your Say

What would like to get (or what would you give) this Valentine’s Day?

Top 10 Valentine’s Gifts for Your Girlfriend

If you have a special someone (or you’re a secret admirer), Valentine’s Day means a chance to prove your love. But don’t get stressed because you have to impress, just show your cutie that you care with a gift that will send Cupid’s arrow straight through her heart. Check out top 10 gifts for your girlfriend! No. 10: Candy        If you’ve got a crush, some cute candy might be just the thing to turn your best pal into your gal! We recommend Sweethearts – each little heart comes with its own special Valentine’s message, like Be Mine and Text Me!

No. 9: A Card

A card is the perfect way to say you remembered this special day without going overboard or spending too much (remember, you want to save some tricks for their birthday and Christmas as well!) If you want to make it extra-special, make the card yourself. A homemade card will be the way to her heart.

No. 8: Music

If you love your lady, chances are you love her taste in tunes as well, so treat her to a magical day with some new music! We recommend Taylor Swifts’ new album “Reputation”, or “24K Magic” by Bruno Mars.

No. 7: Books

Every girl likes to know she’s beautiful, but don’t forget to appreciate her brain as well! If you get your babe a book, she’ll know you love her for more than her looks. We recommend The 5th Wave trilogy by Rick Yancey, a great sci-fi series featuring an strong and independent lead character every girl can relate to. “The Last Star” will be release on May 24th, 2016.

No. 6: Body Care

Bubble bath, soaps and scented lotion all show the prettiest girl in your life that you think she deserves to pamper herself. We recommend The Body Shop’s strawberry body wash, soaps and body butter, it smells delicious!

No. 5: Perfume

If you want to give your love a gift that says “chic & luxury”, perfume is the perfect pick. We recommend Miss Dior Cherie by Christian Dior, a timeless and elegant choice.

No. 4: Jewelry

A piece of jewelry can show your cutie that she’s a keeper. She’ll cherish a charm bracelet or heart-shaped pendant necklace.

No. 3: Teddy Bear

When your girlfriend goes to sleep at night she’ll dream of you when she gets a Valentine’s teddy bear. Just find the one you think is the cutest! Chocolates are a tried, tested and true way to show your girl she’s special, and if you’re good she might just let you have one!

No. 1: Roses

Roses are a time-honored Valentine’s tradition. Whether you get the full dozen or just a single stem, roses say “I Love You” like no other flower. Be warned though, lots of places sell out on Valentine’s Day, so make sure you don’t leave it to the last minute!

Have Your Say

What would you like to get or what are you giving your girlfriend this Valentine’s Day? Let us know in the comments section below!

Oli and Dahal to subsequent the gov

A meeting held between CPN-UML Chair KP Sharma Oli and CPN Maoist Centre Chair Pushpa Kamal Dahal this morning has decided that both the parties will lead the new government in turns. Speaking at a programme organised in the Capital today, CPN-UML Vice Chairman Bhim Rawal said, “In the one-to-one meeting, both the leaders have agreed on leading the upcoming government in turns.” “While announcing the party merger, the left alliance had already made a seven-point agreement on handling the new government alternately,” informed Rawal. “Who will lead the upcoming government is not even a question. Both the parties have already formed an alliance. Only announcement is pending.” The UML Vice-Chair further assured that a new government under the premiership of Oli would be formed within a week as per the people’s mandate. He further asked the general public to remain positive and not create doubt on the merger. “We will let you know about the updates regarding the government formation, and policies and work-plan of the left alliance as soon as we decide on it.” “Regarding the current government’s decisions against the election code of conduct and people’s aspirations, new government under the left alliance will review such decisions and move forward in carrying out its responsibilities,” said Rawal.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle wedding: revealed the royal wedding details

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have revealed more details of their forthcoming wedding on 19 May. The couple will marry at St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle, at midday – meaning a clash with the FA Cup final is unlikely as recent finals have kicked off at 17:30. At 13:00 they will travel through Windsor, Berkshire, in a carriage. Kensington Palace said the couple is “hugely grateful for the many good wishes they have received”. The palace also confirmed that the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, will marry the prince and Ms Markle. The Rt Rev David Conner, dean of Windsor, will conduct the service at St George’s Chapel. The chapel holds about 800 people, making it a more intimate setting than the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s wedding in Westminster Abbey. Following the marriage service, a carriage procession will travel along a route including Castle Hill, High Street, Sheet Street, Kings Road, Albert Road, Long Walk and back to Windsor Castle. “They hope this short journey will provide an opportunity for more people to come together around Windsor and to enjoy the atmosphere of this special day,” Kensington Palace said. The couple will return to a reception for guests from the congregation at St George’s Hall. That evening, Prince Charles will give a private evening reception for the couple and close friends and family.

Who is Meghan Markle?

Prince Harry’s brother, the Duke of Cambridge, usually attends the FA Cup final and presents the trophy as he is president of the Football Association. Last month, Prince William joked about whether or not he would be best man, saying: “He hasn’t asked me yet. It could be a sensitive issue.” He said he was “still working” on the wedding and the football date clash. The time of the match has yet to be confirmed.

Who will be best man at Harry and Meghan’s wedding?

The Royal Family will pay for the wedding, including the service, music, flowers and reception. Ms Markle will be baptised into the Church of England and confirmed before the wedding. The event will take place just a month after the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge is expected to welcome their third child to the family.

Australian Banks are under surveillance

Finance is Australia’s biggest industry, and its banks are some of the most profitable in the world. But now the nation’s highest form of public inquiry is examining misconduct by the nation’s banks and financial institutions. The royal commission follows a decade of scandals that have rocked the sector.

How dominant are Australia’s banks?

Australia’s “Big Four” – Commonwealth Bank (CBA), ANZ, National Australia Bank (NAB) and Westpac – collectively have about 80% of the country’s banking market.

What have been the scandals?

All four major banks have faced misconduct allegations. They include: Dodgy mortgages: About 20 NAB bankers were sacked after issuing home loans based on incorrect or incomplete documentation. Alleged breaches of anti money laundering laws: Commonwealth Bank admitted it was late to disclose 53,000 suspect ATM transactions. Analysts estimate that Australian banks have paid more than A$1bn (£550m; $780m) in penalties and compensation since the 2008 financial crisis.

Why was an inquiry deemed necessary?

Momentum grew from continued public debate about whether banks were putting profits and shareholders ahead of customers. He said the royal commission would extend to the entire financial industry, including superannuation – or pension contributions – insurance and wealth management sectors. The biggest banks said they welcomed the inquiry as a way to end “political uncertainty”.

What will be investigated?

The catchfly-titled ‘Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry’ will examine misconduct which has already been established in the sector – as well as allegations about other wrongdoing. It also has the remit to look at possible gaps in how the industry is monitored and regulated. Anyone can make submissions to the inquiry – with bank customers among those expected to give plenty of input.

How Australian bank customers are suffering?

The commissioners will have the power to examine documents, call witnesses and take evidence. The inquiry is scheduled to take 12 months. The banks say they remain confident about the process, but some industry watchers have predicted further damaging revelations.

What could happen afterwards?

The inquiry can make recommendations to reform the industry, and even prosecutions, if it finds wrongdoing. But it cannot award compensation for individual cases or even directly tell institutions to take action. But it can propose redress schemes.

Could the inquiry fall short?

Critics have said a year-long inquiry may not be able to sufficiently investigate all allegations.

Plane crashes in Russia, with 62 passengers

A Russian Airbus carrying at least 62 passengers, left for the Urals at Moscow airport found crashed, since this aeroplane was lost from the radar screens. The Saratov Airlines An-148 regional jet was en route to the city of Orsk when it vanished. An emergency services source has told Interfax news agency the plane crashed and there was “no chance” anyone could have survived. There were also six crew members aboard, the source added. The source said the jet had come down near the village of Argunovo, about 80km (50 miles) south-east of Moscow.

Israel air strikes to Syria

Israel says it has inflicted huge damage on Syrian air defenses after one of its fighter jets was brought down during a raid over Syria. The response was the “most significant attack” of its kind against Syria since the 1982 Lebanon war, said senior Israeli air force general Tomer Bar. The F-16 jet went down during a mission that followed an Iranian drone launch into Israeli territory, Israel says. The two pilots parachuted to safety before the crash in northern Israel. Israel says it responded with a second wave of strikes on both Syrian and Iranian military targets operating inside Syria. Israeli air strikes in Syria are not unusual, but the loss of an Israeli fighter jet marks a serious escalation.

Why is there a war in Syria?

Later on Saturday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held a meeting with his military chiefs. He said Israel wanted peace but would defend itself “against any attack against us or any attempt by Iran to establish itself against us in Syria”. In other developments: A Turkish helicopter was shot down as the country continued its offensive against Kurdish fighters in northern Syria. Two soldiers on board were killed, the Turkish military says UN Human Rights Commissioner Zeid Ra’ad al-Hussein said the past week was one of the bloodiest in Syria since the conflict began in 2011 – with at least 277 civilian deaths reported

How did events unfold on Saturday morning?

Israel’s military says one of its combat helicopters downed an Iranian drone infiltrating Israel. It tweeted footage of the incident. Israeli aircraft then attacked Syrian and “Iranian targets in Syria”, the military says. Syria’s state media say air defenses opened fire in response to an Israeli attack on a military base, hitting more than one plane. The damaged F-16 came down in an empty field near the town of Harduf in northern Israel. It is unclear how exactly the plane was brought down. Gen Bar said it faced massive anti-aircraft fire, forcing the two pilots to eject. He said the crew did not report being hit before abandoning the aircraft. They were taken to hospital, one of them “severely injured”, the Israeli military said.

What did Israel do next?

Israel launched a second wave of strikes in Syria. Eight of the Syrian targets belonged to the fourth Syrian division near Damascus, IDF spokesman Jonathan Conricus said. All the Israeli aircraft from this sortie returned safely. “We are not looking to escalate the situation,” he added. Syria and its ally Iran deny that the drone entered Israel. Russia expressed “serious concern” over the Israeli air strikes and called for all sides to show restraint.

What is the Iranian presence in Syria?

Iran is Israel’s arch-enemy, and Iranian troops have been fighting rebel groups since 2011. Tehran has sent military advisers, volunteer militias and, reportedly, hundreds of fighters from its Quds Force, the overseas arm of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC). It is also believed to have supplied thousands of tonnes of weaponry and munitions to help President Bashar al-Assad’s forces and the pro-Iranian Hezbollah, which is fighting on Syria’s side. Tehran has faced accusations that it is seeking to establish not just an arc of influence but a logistical land supply line from Iran through to Hezbollah in Lebanon.

A powerful new element

For years Israel has been striking at weapons stores and other facilities in Syria with a single goal – to disrupt and, as far as possible, to prevent advanced Iranian missiles being delivered to Hezbollah in Lebanon. Syria has often been the conduit for these shipments, but the changing balance of power there, with the survival of the regime of President Bashar al-Assad bolstered by Iranian help, has introduced a powerful new element – a direct Iranian role in the crisis. But it is also alleged to be developing missile factories, both there and in Lebanon, to make the supply lines to Hezbollah less vulnerable. Israel’s campaign to disrupt missile supplies is becoming ever more complex. And Iran risks becoming a direct actor in this conflict, ever closer to Israel’s own borders

Winter Olympics hits in Pyeongchang

US Vice-President Mike Pence has skipped a dinner at which he was due to share a table with North Korea’s ceremonial head of state Kim Yong-nam. Mr Pence briefly encountered Mr Kim but they tried to avoid directly facing each other, Yonhap news agency reports. Meanwhile South Korean President Moon Jae-in has shaken hands with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s sister at the Winter Olympics opening ceremony. The Games are taking place amid tension over North Korea’s nuclear programme. Mr Pence has brought to South Korea as a guest Fred Warmbier, the father of a young American who died after being released from prison in North Korea. Meanwhile on Thursday North Korea held a military parade that had been scheduled for April but was brought forward.

What happened at the dinner?

Mr Pence and Kim Yong-nam were being hosted by South Korean President Moon Jae-in before the opening ceremony in Pyeongchang. But the US vice-president left the reception venue after five minutes, South Korea’s Yonhap said. While Mr Moon and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe both shook hands with Mr Kim, Mr Pence did not, South Korean officials said. What we’ve seen of Kim Yo-jong from North Korean media At the event Mr Moon said he hoped the Winter Olympics would be remembered as the “day peace began”. He is due to meet the North Korean delegation for talks on Saturday according to Yonhap. At the opening ceremony, Mr Pence, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s sister Kim Yo-jong and Kim Yong-nam were seated in close proximity to each other.

Who is Kim Yo-jong?

The highest profile member of the North Korean delegation to the Games, she is the first immediate member of the North’s ruling family to visit the South since the 1950-1953 Korean war. Ms Kim, who is said to be very close to her brother, was promoted to the North’s powerful politburo last year. She is on a US sanctions list over alleged links to human rights abuses in North Korea. Ms Kim is thought to be about 30 years old, around four years younger than her brother. Her visit is being seen as a sign that Kim Jong-un is serious about improving ties with the South, the BBC’s South Korea correspondent Laura Bicker reports. She adds that some are also speculating that Ms Kim might be bringing a message from her brother.

How will the Koreas compete at the Games?

Athletes from both North and South Korea marched under one flag at the opening ceremony, bringing spectators to their feet. They are also fielding a joint women’s ice hockey team. Alongside 22 athletes, Pyongyang has sent more than 400 delegates to the Games, including a team of cheerleaders and an orchestra. However the opening ceremony was not shown on North Korean state TV, which was broadcasting patriotic songs and slogans celebrating industry and the armed forces.

Have relations warmed?

The sports diplomacy comes at a time of improved ties between the two Koreas, although experts have cautioned that it does not put an end to underlying regional tensions. The Korean peninsula has been divided since the 1950-53 war and the two sides have never signed a peace treaty.