Guardiola’s caution helps Stones shine and get back on England radar | Barney Ronay

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It is a good time to be a Manchester City centre-back, if only because the team is more committed to the idea of defending

The Carabou kings march on. During Pep Guardiola’s four years at Manchester City much energy has been expended arguing over how much the great midfield-fetishist, the don of keep-ball, has changed English football. Who knew English football would end up changing Pep too?

City took the lead in this League Cup semi-final with a set-piece goal on 50 minutes, bundled in by a 6ft 4in English centre-half.

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Written by Barney Ronay
This news first appeared on under the title “

Guardiola’s caution helps Stones shine and get back on England radar | Barney Ronay

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