Gordon Taylor, the world’s ruliest rulers and an attempted PFA coup | Marina Hyde

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Taylor has ruled the PFA for four decades but if upstart general Ben Purkiss has his way, the chief executive will fall short of surpassing Fidel Castro in the annals of absolute power

How distressing to find this column’s old friend Gordon Taylor the subject of insurrectionary behaviour in his stronghold. The boss of the Professional Footballers’ Association is reputedly the highest-paid union official in the galaxy, taking home £2.29m last year, and has ruled for four decades (three years as chairman and 37 years as chief executive.) Yet those of us fervently hoping for him to surpass Fidel Castro (52 years) in the annals of absolute power may be disappointed if upstart general Ben Purkiss has his way.

Related: Gordon Taylor agrees to independent review of PFA conducted by QC

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Written by Marina Hyde
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/football/blog/2018/nov/21/gordon-taylor-ruliest-rulers-pfa-marina-hyde under the title “Gordon Taylor, the world’s ruliest rulers and an attempted PFA coup | Marina Hyde”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.