France seal last-16 spot as Kylian Mbappé earns victory over Peru

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The audacity of youth was unfurled in all its swaggering glory. Kylian Mbappé bounded off after scoring the match-winner to decide an absorbing game, his first on this stage, and one that could not have been easier. Then he suddenly stopped and shrugged, as if to say, what is the fuss all about?

Life moves pretty fast for Mbappé. The whirlwind forward, already the most expensively valued teenager in football, became France’s youngest ever goalscorer at a major tournament and took it all in that easy stretch of a stride.

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Written by Amy Lawrence at the Ekaterinburg Arena
This news first appeared on under the title “France seal last-16 spot as Kylian Mbappé earns victory over Peru”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.