Facebook expands its dating feature test to Canada and Thailand

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After launching Facebook Dating in Colombia in September, the company is now expanding its test markets to two new countries: Canada and Thailand. The test also includes a few new features that let you look back at someone you may have previously passed on, or pause from the whole dating scene altogether.

The first feature is called Second Look, a self-explanatory tool that allows you to reconsider a previous right swipe. That might be helpful as more people sign on to use the feature since it’s still very new. The second update lets you pause matching in case you’re no longer looking to date, whether that’s because you’ve found someone or are sick of the whole online dating scene. (For more help on how to navigate that, check out my…

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Written by Natt Garun
This news first appeared on https://www.theverge.com/2018/11/8/18075402/facebook-dating-test-feature-expand-canada-thailand-update under the title “Facebook expands its dating feature test to Canada and Thailand”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.