England’s opener in France starts definitive phase for Eddie Jones

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Their World Cup final disappointment still hangs over the team and England’s reaction in the Six Nations will be telling

And so we enter the third act of Eddie Jones’s stint as English rugby’s impresario. For the first couple of years it was all about rebuilding his cast’s self-belief. Then came the concerted push to conquer the world which fell, frustratingly, just short. And now? In some ways international coaching’s greatest showman is entering the definitive phase of his tenure, commencing this weekend in the cavernous amphitheatre that is the Stade de France.

Related: England spring surprise with Furbank at full-back for Six Nations opener

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Written by Robert Kitson
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2020/jan/31/eddie-jones-england-france-rugby-six-nations under the title “England’s opener in France starts definitive phase for Eddie Jones”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.