England set New Zealand 291 to win women’s first ODI – live!

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18th over: New Zealand 78-4.(Green 2, Kerr 1) Hmm, rubbing my hands to see what Amelia Kerr can do against Sciver and co. They’ve just shown the inside of pavilion at Headingley, quite a buzz around the TV…

17th over: New Zealand 75-4.(Green 1, Kerr 0) Another cracking over from Elwiss brings the wicket of Satterthwaite as New Zealand look in huge trouble, that’s four wickets in 17 balls now. England’s buzz is back.

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Written by Nick Miller (earlier) and Tanya Aldred (now)
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/live/2018/jul/07/england-v-new-zealand-womens-first-odi-live under the title “

England set New Zealand 291 to win women’s first ODI – live!

“. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.