England set new men’s cricket ODI world record score v Australia – live!

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10th over: Australia 83-1 (Head 44, Marsh 18) Target 482 After a single to each batsman, both from decent balls – Head defends and Marsh inside-edges – Head carts him from outside off through midwicket. At what point do England start to wonder? Amazingly, they could kind of use a wicket here – England were 79-0 at this stage.

9th over: Australia 75-1 (Head 38, Marsh 16) Target 482 Have a look! Marsh twinkles down, making room, and powers six over Root’s head. Australia have no choice but to set about him, except he repsonds well and concedes just four singles. Still, that’s above the required rate of 9.98.

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Written by Daniel Harris(now) and Simon Burnton (earlier)
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/live/2018/jun/19/england-v-australia-third-one-day-international-live under the title “

England set new men’s cricket ODI world record score v Australia – live!

“. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.