England have won back the fans’ confidence, claims Gareth Southgate

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• Manager believes his squad has reconnected with the country
• ‘I think people see signs of progress and enjoy watching us’

Gareth Southgate will board the England flight to Russia on Tuesday with the increasingly firm conviction that his players have recovered from one of the lowest points in the team’s history.

Southgate and his squad are due to fly to their base in Repino, on the Gulf of Finland, and the manager believes there is finally a new connection between his team and the English football public.

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Written by Daniel Taylor
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/football/2018/jun/11/england-gareth-southgate-world-cup-russia-win-back-the-fans under the title “England have won back the fans’ confidence, claims Gareth Southgate”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.