Drinking Water Minister Bina Magar: no more just a daughter-in-law!

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Bina Magar, 34 year MP of UCPN (Maoist) candidate, has won the direct election from Kanchanpur.

Many Maoist workers have come up with Maoist chairman Prachanda’s daughter-in-law with the appointment to the Minister for drinking water. She is not only the daughter-in-law of Prachanda, but she has her own struggling contribution.

Many Maoist leaders, who have contributed to politics like the widespread situation, are not in part of the heat due to the responsibility of the minister, who is the only part of their past sacrifice or ‘Backup’ of Prachanda family too? Lots controversies will definitely go on this topic.

Why did not other struggling women get the results of becoming a minister? Why did not the martyrs’ wives get this opportunity? This question too is rising within the Maoist.

However, if there is a truth, now there is no Prachanda’s daughter-in-law. She is an MP from direct public. And, now she is a respected minister of the country. The general public can now be informed about whether the winner works or does not work in favor of the people as ministers. And the public also gets criticized and criticized his workforce.

Who is Bina Magar?

Minister for drinking water has been born without the minister, born without the charge of Kanchanpur on December 10. She is the first daughter of father Chandra Bahadur Magar and Mother Savitri Maya Magar.

Winnie took primary education from the Araniko Primary School. Gaurishankar, which was rehabilitated, she has to complete the secondary level education. She has studied for graduation. In the age of 11 years of age, Maoist leaders claim to be Maoist child activists.

She was studying at the secondary level while studying at the Maoist. In the politics of politics, all the political parties of the district (Krishna), being the treasurer, were the District President of the All Nepal Women’s Association (Revolutionary) Kanchanpur in 056 years. Then she came to Kathmandu to study college.

In Kathmandu, he earned the title of the self-member member of Ratna Rajyalakshmi Campus. And in the year of 60 years, Akhil (revolutionary) became District of Kathmandu.

He was arrested in Kathmandu in the year of 60 years while he was active in Maoist movement. He was imprisoned for 27 months in the state of Bhairavnath. After entering the peace process, he became president of Kathmandu’s entire revolutionary again.

In the 064-year self-election election, she won the title of Sarvaswati Campus Lanschaur’s Swewu chair. With this, she became the central member of the party. He is currently the Politburo member of the Maoist. In the second CA election of 070, he constituted a number of constituencies in Kanchanpur. At that time, Prchanda gave a ticket to the daughter-in-law that the Maoists had strongly opposed the election.

Ultimately, Bina filed a selection of representatives from Kanchanpur in this constituency election. The election was completed by his husband namely Prakash Dahal’s heart attack. Bina went to the polls in grief and took a sympathy vote.

He was married to family of Maoist chairman Prachanda’s son Prakash Dahal. He interrupted the family life of Prakash Dahal, and became a wife, and cultural deviation made her struggling politics in shadow.

It is new without ministers. She has no experience in drinking water. Even though a young girl is a struggling woman, she is not very scared of the media. Rather, the media has been suffering from criticism. Even though she is known to go to Kanchanpur in the opposite nature and is known to go to the Maoist party, it is more known as Prachanda’s daughter-in-law in the outer world.

However, because of the fortune of becoming a minister at the age of age, she has received an opportunity to show some work. Now their examination has begun since today.