Do not enter the water: how dirty Boat Race has captured world’s attention

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Sewage scandal has put extra focus on the race but enthusiasm is undimmed with Oxford favourites to end rivals’ dominance

Throughout the Boat Race’s 195-year history, it has been regarded by the rest of the world as one of those peculiar British eccentricities, like Marmite and pantomime, that are best ignored. Not this year.

The New York Times, Fox News, ABC, CNN and numerous other international media have run stories in the buildup to Saturday’s race – although it is what is floating in the Thames, rather than on top of it, that has piqued their interest.

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Written by Sean Ingle
This news first appeared on under the title “Do not enter the water: how dirty Boat Race has captured world’s attention”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.