Djokovic ends 2023 on top of the world as ‘Next Gen’ struggle to bridge gap | Tumaini Carayol

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The 36-year-old remains clear of his rivals and his dominance should lead to soul searching for would-be challengers

Days before the ATP Finals began in Turin last week, each of the contenders were asked by the tour’s social media staff to give a bold prediction for the week ahead. Most of the players talked about the prospect of close matches, more video reviews and high ace counts.

And then there was Novak Djokovic: “If I don’t want to be humble and [to] be honest, I’m winning the tournament,” he said, a smile spreading across his face. “If I want to be humble, I’m also winning the tournament.”

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Written by Tumaini Carayol
This news first appeared on under the title “Djokovic ends 2023 on top of the world as ‘Next Gen’ struggle to bridge gap | Tumaini Carayol”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.